Andrew Scott


Half marathon runner attempting to run a full marathon in 2020!

Every stride made - a step forward!

Every pound raised - a step forward!  

... I was feeling very windswept by ferocious gales blowing across the South Down Way and the south coast of Sussex! The Beachy Head marathon was brutal but the views over the Seven Sisters, Birling Gap and Beachy Head and the downhill slope to the finish line near the Eastbourne seafront more than compensated for the physical and mental...

... I shall hopefully be about half way through the Beachy Head marathon route! My kit bag is getting packed and my friendly local greengrocer has just given me some ripe bananas! I'll eat one for my pre-run breakfast tomorrow morning at 'silly o'clock'! Just need to set my alarm clock to avoid the unthinkable happening....! The coach departs...

Watford FC supporters know that pulling on a replica shirt really puts a spring in your step and provides a dose of the feel-good factor. So it is that this Saturday I will be wearing my retro late-1980s Solvite shirt along with a distinctive yellow, black and red headband as I run in the Beachy Head Marathon near Eastbourne. I...

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