Mindful running


I'm not really into running with music playing in my ears. I much prefer to take note of what's happening around and about me instead of getting lost in a sequence of songs. Yesterday I began my run in the dark just before dawn and en route I counted 189 cyclists, 9 runners, 3 foxes, 1 dead fox and 1 dead badger during a really good four and a half hour's solid exercise. The one hundred and eighty something cyclist had the kind-heartedness to slow down after he'd overtaken me on a country path to ask how I was and offered me his best wishes when I told him about the forthcoming marathon event in just over a month. His parting words were "I hope the weather holds for you!" Every time I run alongside the A24 near Leatherhead I feel sorry for the Seeability charity whose road sign lies neglected on the verge and looks like it could do with a pick-me-up. I managed to run ('jog' might be a more accurate adjective) the entire 35 km apart from walking up the steep steps near the Stepping Stones at the foot of Box Hill. My bladder leaked a bit which wetted the clothes around my middle region. The bladder in question was the one in the hydration bag on my back, thankfully not the one in my stomach!

I perhaps should have topped my run up to 22 miles had I known I was only a quarter of a mile off it when I reached home. However, I had a cricket match to play in and it now gives me a realistic target for next week!

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