This time yesterday...


... I was feeling very windswept by ferocious gales blowing across the South Down Way and the south coast of Sussex! The Beachy Head marathon was brutal but the views over the Seven Sisters, Birling Gap and Beachy Head and the downhill slope to the finish line near the Eastbourne seafront more than compensated for the physical and mental battle. 6 hours and 33 minutes of pleasurable plodding! All finishers were invited to pick up two items: one goes around the neck, the other goes in the mouth! 

A huge thanks to my family for their 'in person' support at the event and to all you kind people who made charity donations (online + cash + cheques = £800 currently), offered prayers and encouraged me with their best wishes and advice for the day. Your friendship is much appreciated.  

I have entered the ballot for the 2021 London Marathon but will it go ahead? Only time will tell. 

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